Welcome to Vixera Learning

Starting Vixera isn't just about making a new company; it's about changing how we think about education. Vixera is more than a place to find resources; its mission is to give teachers and educators the tools and community support they need to be their best. We're here to boost teachers' confidence, showing them new ways to teach and connect with their students. Every live demo and conversation on our platform is a step towards making teaching more exciting and impactful. As we move forward, we're focused on one big goal: to build a space where teachers feel supported, confident, and ready to inspire their students in new ways. With each new community chat, Vixera is helping to create a future where every teacher feels ready and excited to make a difference. Together, we're not just growing a business; we're sparking a movement that puts teachers first, making sure they have the confidence and support to lead their classrooms into the future.


Educator Community

Enhance your teaching skills with our community platform and stay ahead of the curve.

Educator Chats

Network with fellow educators in an environment made for us!


Live Interactions 

Live chat session on topics that you need!


Frequently Asked Questions

What does Vixera Learning offer?

We offer a community where educators can meet, talk, and collaborate in a private setting. 

Why is there a fee?

When you pay the $10.99 monthly fee, you’re doing a lot more than just signing up for another online service. Here’s how your subscription is used to keep everything running smoothly:

1. Keeping the Lights On
Most of the money goes straight into keeping the platform up and running. This includes making sure everything works smoothly so you can log in and interact without a hitch. Plus, we use some of your fees to plan for big, exciting future projects that’ll make your experience even better.

2. Spreading the Word
A slice of your subscription helps us tell the world about Vixera. We’re on social media, search engines, and sometimes we even use old-school flyers and posters. It’s all about getting more folks on board so our community of confident educators keeps growing.

3. Building Up Confident Teachers
Vixera was built upon the idea that if teachers had a strong community to talk and learn from counterparts throughout the county, they would have a whole new outlook on teaching. For that reason, we plan to bring you together online, incorporate and celebrate guest speakers on a range of relatable topics, and encourage you through posts, podcasts and pedagogy. We have varying price plans, you can cancel at any time, and we are excited to have a place for us all to meet and feel free to talk and learn together.


Most importantly, every penny you contribute helps us do what we do best: building up super confident teachers. Whether it’s new tech, better courses, or just making sure you can share experiences with peers, your money is hard at work making sure every teacher who joins us feels ready to take on the world—or at least their classroom!

How can I benefit from your community of teachers?

Vixera Learning is made by teachers, for teachers.

Say goodbye to the hustle and bustle of other social media platforms and say hello to a commnity of educators. Together, we're all about boosting confidence in ourselves and each other as we navigate the ever-changing world of teaching.

Sure, we don't have all the answers, but that's where teamwork and collaboration come in! Let's join forces, strengthen our skills, and get better every day.

“Vixera has been a game-changer for me. The support and resources they provide have helped me become a more effective and confident teacher. I highly recommend their programs to anyone looking to grow in their teaching career.”

Sarah Johnson

Contact us

Reach out to us today and take the next step in your teaching journey.

About us

Vixera is an educational platform dedicated to supporting and inspiring educators. We provide innovative programs, resources, and a supportive community to help teachers thrive in their profession. Our mission is to build up confident teachers who will make a lasting impact on their students and the future of education.